Aamerican College of Karate

3 months of classes = $375 (includes registration)
6 months of classes = $650 (includes registration)
12 months of classes = $1200 (includes registration)
Ages 8 and under - classes are on M W Sat
Ages 9 and up - classes are on M T W T Sat
3 Full Spots 100% Trade - $140 registration fee, uniform, school t-shirt, and some field trips
Henrico County School Schedule
11 weeks, right until labor day
June 17th - August 30th
7:30am - 6:00pm
$160 week
Mondays - Class in AM, pool from 11-2:30/3, then afternoon class
Tuesday - Class in AM, roller skating or bowling
Wednesday - Dollar movies in AM, pool, no class
Thursday - Same as Monday
Friday - Master Ricks Crazy Day, 11 acres 2 ponds, beaches
Ages: 5-12
Pick up/Drop off: 11250 Patterson Avenue
Services offered:
- Personal Services and Grooming: Karate School
- Personal Services and Grooming: Education
- Education: Tutoring
- Personal Services and Grooming: Martial Arts Studio's
- Sports and Recreation: Martial Arts
- Personal Services and Grooming: Schools
- General Merchandise for Sale: Gift Certificates