Tidewater Family Plus

Advertising on Trade in NEW Tidewater Family Plus
We invite Barter Authority members to advertise in SE Virginia's only monthly print magazine for families and women. Tidewater Family Plus (formerly Tidewater Women and Tidewater Family) reaches a variety of readers from young parents to career women to grandparents. The new combined magazine is bigger and better than ever and still features dedicated Tidewater Women pages and family content. Circulation for Tidewater Family Plus is 20,000 with an estimated readership of 30,000. You’ll find us in Wawa, Harris Teeter, and Food Lion on the Southside and the Peninsula. Max. trade is 1/4-page color ad, which starts at $270 per month (12x rate). Other sizes and frequency discounts available. Email Peggy for rate card: peggy@tidewaterfamilyplus.com.
Services offered:
- Advertising: Advertising - Magazines