VB Living Magazines

We help you build your brand and keep your business top of mind!
Reach the neighbors and communities important to your business by targeting and penetrating the market of affluent buyers. Show the community you care by being a partner and sponsoring their community magazine.
Delivered monthly directly to mailboxes free of charge with an 89% open rate. Local families always appear on the cover and the content is written for and by the community.
Each publication reaches THOUSANDS of homes per month in neighborhoods right outside the Sandbridge area of VB. Select one or multiple magazines including:
*Back Bay Living - 14+ neighborhoods including Ashville Park, LagoMar, Indian River Plantation, and more
*Red Mill Living
*Courthouse Living - 4 neighborhoods including a 55+ age community (West Neck)
**1/8-1/4 Page Ads Available w/ 12 Month Minimum For Optimal Branding
**Includes Monthly Ad Design by Award-Winning Designers
**Monthly Rate is less than $500/month depending on ad size and magazine
**Optional Add On - 500 Word Business Profile Article $500
**Contact Publisher Kim Checcio to discuss your needs, view maps/distribution, get exact pricing, and inquire about deadlines.
(Barter for magazines listed above. Additional communities in Hampton Roads available, but not for barter.)
Services offered:
- Advertising: Advertising - Direct Mail
- Advertising: Advertising - Print
- Advertising: Advertising - Magazines
- Advertising: Advertising - Agencies
- Advertising: Marketing
- Advertising: Business - Branding