Triple R Ranch, Inc.
The Triple R is southern Virginia's premier residential camp offering horsemanship, skate park, water slide, sports, drama, archery, climbing walls, surfing, and more. Above all, the Triple-R ranch is a safe place where people find friendship, faith and fun.
Summer Camp - In summer, we offer one week day and overnight camps for ages 7-17. Our summer camp staff are carefully selected from the finest college students across the globe; each one thoroughly screened, personally interviewed and then extensively trained to provide the most excellent camp experience for your child. To serve on our camper staff each applicant is required to share their personal testimony of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Guest Groups - In the Fall, Winter, and Spring we welcome a variety of different guest groups: churches, schools, scouts, and various other organizations looking for a place to host a picnic, retreat or other special activity. For these outings our guest group specialists work to customize activities according to the groups desires. Generally, we provide the facilities, food service, and activity staff while each group conducts their own program. Please note all guest groups must comply with our established "Use Guidelines".
Riding Lessons - Horses have always played an important role at Triple-R and we offer horsemanship lessons, generally 10-week sessions, one each in the Fall and the Spring. Our horse staff are exceptionally well trained and will tailor instruction to each individuals experience level.
Thanks to your generosity and prayers, over 1,200 children were able to come to Summer camp at Triple R Ranch in 2018. Our mission at Triple R is to get to the children before the world gets to them and it is clear the impact the Triple R counselors, staff and programs are having on children of all ages as they disconnect from their technological devices and open their eyes to God’s incredible creation.
One of our goals is to provide children without the financial means an opportunity to attend Triple R Ranch and provide them the opportunity to experience God’s love and grace. I am reminded about David, a young boy who attended camp a few summers ago. David gave his life to Christ that week as the counselors and staff listened and poured into him. A week later, one of the Triple R board members was working at a local church as a greeter and noticed David riding his bike in the rain to attend church. In greeting him, he discovered that he had recently came to accept Jesus as his savior and wanted to be sure and make it to church, rain or shine! This is one of the many amazing things happening at Triple R.
Today, we embark on our Year-End campaign. Our goal is to raise $50,000 by December 31, but we can’t do this without you.
We are reaching out to you in hopes that you are in the position to provide financial support. A gift of any size will go a long way in providing us the opportunity to reach the children before the world gets to them.
Services offered:
- Animals/ Services and Supplies: Horseback Riding Lessons
- Entertainment: Family
- Misc: Ministry
- Misc: Non Profit