NEW Vivaldi's Muse Signed Book

Brand new and signed by the author, Sarah Bruce Kelly, with 2 available, this book is a perfect book the music lover. Shipping $5.00 per item.
Vivaldi's Muse explores the life of Annina Girò, Antonio Vivaldi's longtime protégée. Annina first falls under the spell of the fiery and intriguing prete rosso (red-haired priest) at a young age, when Vivaldi is resident composer at the court of Mantua, her hometown. Stifled by the problems of her dysfunctional family, she has long dreamed of pursuing operatic stardom, and her attraction to the enchanting Venetian maestro soon becomes inseparable from that dream.
$24.95 Trade, 2 copies in stock. Shipping $5.00 per item due in cash prior to shipping.
Right here in Tidewater! Sarah Bruce Kelly, Catholic School teacher who specializes in Fine Arts and Classical Studies, and is an Instructor at Coastal Carolina University.
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- Seasonal Offers: Holiday Gifts
- Seasonal Offers: Holiday Gifts, Women